APA: Listing Authors

The examples found in the APA section are based on the style guide Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed., 2020.

Click on the section of your choice to learn how to format an author’s name in the APA style.


Last Name, Initials.


Stanton Chapple, H.


  • Use the format Last Name, Initials. Separate the names by a comma.
  • Use an ampersand (&) before the last author’s name.


Calloway, G. C., & Lee, S. M.


  • Include all authors using the format Last Name, Initials.
  • Separate the names by a comma.
  • Use an ampersand (&) before the last author’s name.


Chasek, P. S., Downie, D. L., & Brown, J. W.

Maggio, J. C., White, W. G., Molstad, S., & Kher, N.


  • Include the names of the first 19 authors using the format Last Name, Initials.
  • Use commas to separate the authors’ names.
  • Insert an ellipsis (three dots: “. . .”) and add the last author’s name.


Semrau, M., Ommeren, M. V., Blagescu, M., Griekspoor, A., Howard, L. M., Jordans, M., Roberts, J., Steiner, A. J., Friedrich, G., Boulet, D., Turing, A. S., Patel, S., Nordhagen, E., La Martina, F., Wacklawski, J. C., Uland, A., Eatherton, E. B., Czarny, P., Nieberding, N., Park, Y., . . . Thornicroft, G.


  • Give the full name of the organization or group.
  • If the organization is also the publisher, omit the publisher from the citation.


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style (7th ed.).


  • Begin your entry with the title of the work.


Suicide. (2010). In The new encyclopaedia Britannica: Micropedia (15th ed., vol. 11, p. 359). Encyclopaedia Britannica.


  • If your reference list includes two or more works by the same author, include the author’s name in each of the entries.
  • The entries are then arranged by year of publication.


Kitcher, P. (1993). The advancement of science: Science without legend, objectivity without illusions. Oxford University Press.

Kitcher, P. (2007). Living with Darwin: Evolution, design and the future of faith. Oxford University Press.